If your child is unable to attend nursery due to sickness, holiday or any other reason please remember to inform a member of staff. Thank you.

If you would like paper copies of any of the information on our website please ask the school office staff who will be happy to help. 

Support For Children With Special Educational Needs And Disabilities

SEND Information Report.

All Schools are required to publish a Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information Report. Please find details of ours below:
1. How does the school know if children need extra help?
The school can be contacted by the Local Authority, regarding a child who may be ready to start nursery who requires extra help. Visits to the Nursery and meetings with the SENCO can also be arranged.

Nursery practitioners run Inspire sessions before your child starts nursery, as part of the induction to nursery. Parents and children are invited to an hourly session which takes place over 5 weeks in a smaller classroom similar to our nursery provision, where you can take part in a mini nursery session. Practitioners are able to meet your child, provide information and answer any questions you may have. At this point, Practitioners can decide whether your child may need extra sessions of Inspire before they begin nursery or can discuss any concerns around issues around Special needs that they may have identified.

In our 2 year old provision we carry out an Integrated Two Year Old Check jointly with the Health Visitor whenever possible, and an action plan is created from this check. If there are issues and concerns regarding this check then the SENCO is notified and then worked closely with the Health Visitor to support the child. Referrals may be made to Speech and Language Therapy Service, Occupational Therapy Service, Physiotherapy Service or Paediatrician.

When children start at nursery the Key workers complete a baseline assessment. The results of this assessment is analysed by the class teachers. Parents are also asked to complete an ASQ questionnaire and return this to the keyworker and this information informs the children’s baseline. Further information from the ASQ regarding concerns around your child’s development and behaviour is also highlighted and any concerned discussed with keyworker and parent to be sign posted to additional support as required. Teachers raise any concerns from the baseline or ASQs with the Nursery SEN/D co-ordinator (Rachel Lewis) and through planning meetings, termly monitoring of assessments and target setting.

We have a specialised Learning to Learn classroom which caters for children with identified and emerging needs.
At nursery we specialise in developing Language. Practitioners have been trained in ELKLAN which allows them to; use strategies from speech therapists, to identify language delay and support children with their communication and social skills.
Practitioners are also experienced in supporting children with varying diagnoses. For example, Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC), and Down’s Syndrome, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, behaviour and health care needs, such as diabetes, epilepsy and Crouzon’s Disease.

2. What should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?

Help is available from many sources. The first point of contact is usually the child’s key worker at nursery. They will then discuss concerns with the Class Teacher/SEN/D co-ordinator, who can arrange to meet to discuss concerns and progress.

There is also a wealth of information that parents can access online at www.wigan.gov.uk/sendlocaloffer

The StartWell Hub and local library also provide computers if you are unable to access the internet at home.

3. How will school staff support my child/young person?
At Nursery, the SEN/D co-ordinator will oversee and plan for your child in conjunction with the class teacher and Key Worker. Progress made by your child will be reviewed from their EYFS, SEND support plan and Small Steps Tracker each half term and you will be consulted about next steps and outcomes. Parents are also able to discuss progress or information through informal discussions with the Key worker on a daily basis during drop off and collection of children. If there is a need for a more in depth discussion, parents can book an appointment.

At nursery, the progress of children with Special Educational Needs is reported on at Governing Body meetings through the Head teachers report. There is also a specific SEN/D Governor who visits the SEN/D co-ordinator at nursery on a termly basis to support and challenge on going work and to gain regular updates.

The SENCO attends Inclusion Progress Meetings (IPM) on a half termly basis, to support
the SEN/D co-ordinator in monitor the progress of the children and supports with the co-ordination of applications for extra funding or visits from external agencies.

There are currently nursery Practitioners who are employed to support children with SEN/D, to ensure quality and consistency.

4. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs.

Children are monitored on a termly basis and targets are set, through our robust assessment procedures.  Practitioners track the children’s progress over each half term and differentiate learning experiences according to their need. Children who are identified as needing extra support are placed in intervention groups or given one to one support where possible.

Children with Special Educational Needs also have a EYFS Small Steps Tracker , which allows practitioners to monitor and support progress in smaller steps if needed.

There is also a daily timetable that caters specifically for the children with Special Educational Needs

5. How will both you and I know my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning.

Practitioners talk informally on a daily basis to parents. They also use an assessment application called 2 Simple, which parents can view from a mobile phone or tablet.  This allows parents to view their child’s progress on a termly progress report. Parents also have the opportunity to contact the Key Worker through the app with information about what their child has been learning at home.

At nursery, we hold parents evenings during the autumn and spring term.  SEND termly review meetings are held with parents to monitor progress and ensure children’s needs are being met.

Parents can also access training and learning events from the Startwell Hub. For example, Parenting courses, Safe Sleep, Introduction to Solid Food, Helping and Working in Education.

Sessions to support children’s development are also delivered from the Startwell Hub.

6. What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?

Nursery run Wellbeing interventions for targeted children, focussing on breathing, stretching and mindfulness.

The Startwell Hub Worker, who can also support our families and can help them to access services or signpost them to support that they need with any family issues or concerns.

The Nursery can also signpost to other agencies, e.g. Community Nursery Nurse to provide support in the home.

Children are supervised at all times in Nursery and are managed through a structured daily routine of activities. Children are encouraged to listen to a signal that indicates a change in routine. They come together and are instructed and supported by practitioners on what to do next.

All Practitioners are consistent with their use of the strategies in ELKLAN training approach which supports behaviour in our Nursery. Practitioners sensitively, use a range of visual and positive verbal instructions eg, ‘good walking’, ‘good listening’, ‘stop’, ‘good looking’, ‘good sitting’. We also share these strategies with parents who may be experiencing difficulties at home, so that there is consistency in the approach between home and school.

If behaviour becomes a safeguarding issue, for example, the child/other children or adults are in danger, Practitioners will use the Team Teach Approach to restrain a child for their own safety.

Parents are informed if their child has been restrained and Practitioners complete a record of the restraint, which is reported to Governors.

We administer medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor for all children when necessary.

If a child has particular medical issues, a Health Care Plan is created which details any treatment to be given and who by. The Health care plan can also be completed in conjunction the child’s specialist nurse. Practitioners are trained by specialist nurses on a range of medical issues when necessary, (usually before the child starts nursery.)  For example, Epipen training, Mickey Button feeding, managing insulin pump for children with diabetes, suctioning of artificial airways.

7. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?

Following intervention and tracking of the children, if practitioners review provision for a child and decide that further expertise needs to be sought, then referrals can be made (with the permission of parents) by the SEN/D co-ordinator for extra support from the Local Authority.

The Local Authority Early Learning and Childcare Team will observe the child and offer further support and advice. It may be felt that a child needs to be referred to external agencies.

At Nursery we also have links to and support from a range of external agencies. For example; Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Specialist Health Visitor, Occupational Therapist, Physio Therapists, Consultant Paediatrician.

8. What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or having?

The SENDCO regularly attends training and meetings run by the Local Authority. Relevant information from this training will be disseminated to Practitioners by the SEN/D co-ordinator during Inset training and Staff meetings.

Many staff have had a training overview in ASC (Psychology Service), some Staff are Team TTeach trained, including the SENCo. A TA has had Visual Impairment Training (1/2 day course), 1 member of staff has had portage training (3 day course).

9. How will my child/young person be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?

Currently all children who attend Nursery, including children with Special Educational Needs attend educational visits.  Parents are welcome to attend any trips or educational visits.  If a child needs more support with an Educational Visit, the ratio is one adult to one child or the parent/guardian can attend.

Children take part in activities outside of the classroom on a daily basis, as there is free flow to outdoors and indoors.

10. How accessible is the school environment?

The Nursery School building was purpose built to support access for people with SEN and disabilities. It is fully wheelchair accessible and has a lift for access to both the lower and upper floors. Appropriate toilet and changing facilities are also provided. Where equipment to support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, is not available, it can be sourced from the local authority following assessment of need and advice.

If you have English as an additional language, there are a number of ESOL courses for parents in the community. An interpreter can be arranged to support parents during meetings, if required.  Health Visitors who access the centre to support children and their families, also have access to an interpreter service.

11. How will the school prepare and support my child to join school, transfer to a new school or the next stage of education life?

On entry to nursery practitioners make home visits to children whenever possible to ensure that they give parents chance to pass on information and contribute to baseline assessments.   Pre-nursery practitioners hold transition meetings with Nursery practitioners to pass on all assessment data and knowledge about individual children. Children and parents are invited to attend Inspire sessions before entry to nursery and before entry to Reception as part of their induction and transition.

Parents are also invited to Nursery and Reception open evenings where they can find out information and gain advice before their child begins.

Nursery practitioners attend transition meetings with Reception class teachers for all children. Children also attend visits to their primary school in the summer term as part of their transition process.

In the case of children with additional needs, the SEN/D co-ordinator works closely with the Local Authority, parents and external agencies at this point, to secure the most appropriate provision for the child.

Depending on the severity/complexity of the child’s needs, the SEN/D co-ordinator along with the Local Authority may decide to apply for an Education and Health Care Plan. Alternatively, if support is only required for a short time, for example, in to the Reception year, an application can be made for Targeted Intervention support. Following application, the Local Authority will consider the parents’ choice of provision and will make a decision as the whether a child is best placed in Specialist provision, mainstream provision or take an observation and assessment place in mainstream school.

The SEN/D co-ordinator organises individual transition meetings with the receiving school when the child has been allocated their place.  Trackers and any other relevant documentation eg, medical reports Speech Therapy reports collected over the year are also sent to the child’s new school.

12. How are the schools resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?

The nursery is not allocated a direct budget for Special Educational Needs. The Local Authority supports us in using this funding to meet the needs of your Tis1 children. If parents claim Disability Living Allowance for the child, then nursery can apply for DAF (disability Allowance Funding) for that child in nursery.

13. How are parents involved in the school? How can I be involved?

Parents are involved informally on a daily basis when they drop off and collect their child.

Parents can also use the 2 Simple App to view their child’s progress and communicate with the child’s key worker.

Parents are invited to attend training with their child in the Nursery as detailed above.

Nursery invites parents on educational visits, trips and fund raising events.

Parents can volunteer in many ways that suit them in the Nursery School.

Parents can take a more active role in the school by applying to become a member of the Governing Body.

Parents are directly involved with Inspire sessions with their child. Parents are invited to parent workshops.

14. Who can I contact for further information?

The first point of contact regarding your child is their Key Worker.  Other professionals who can be contacted are your child’s class teacher and the Head Teacher, who are both usually available on a daily basis.

The Head Teacher and the Deputy Head teacher are available to discuss your child’s admission to school.

Parents can make an informal visit to nursery at any time and will be guaranteed a short tour of the nursery and provision.

The SEN/D co-ordinator is Rachel Lewis and is available on a daily basis at the nursery – 01942 488220

Headteacher – Rachel Lewis

SENCO – Rachel Lewis

Governor for SEND – Suzanne Payne

Complaints Procedure

If a parent feels that the school has not met their child’s educational needs, they should: · discuss their concerns with the class teacher · consult with the SENDCO if their concerns continue · consult with the Headteacher/SEN governor · follow the school Complaints Procedure 

For further information please refer to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy in the Policies section of this Website 


Information on where the local authority’s local offer is published visit:

  •   https://www.wigan.gov.uk/Resident/Education/Special-Educational-Needs-and-Disability/Local-Offer/index.aspx